Thursday, April 13, 2017

Blog Stage Six: Comment on a colleague's work #1


I hope you enjoy my comment and it might little unorganized due to my English skills.
I tired my best!

When I read Alexander's commentary( Guns on Campus), it was very impressed to me. It talks about ACC campuses will be allowed open carry guns, and he was pointing out that it was huge mistake decision. He is giving few reasons that it is huge mistake, which are gun laws are not really laws, because if you are over 18 to own a "long barreled" gun, they can openly carry that weapon and do not need a license for them. It might be very hard to regulate them because they are young. they are like football, do not know where it goes. Moreover, it does not even requiring huge process for carrying handgun. It is only a least 21 years of age, take courses and pay a $ 140 fee and you will receive a license in 60 days, also there is no waiting time on purchasing gun. If you have money, you can just buy out a firearm and do not need to register your arms if you buy the firearm out of state. He is pointing out that this easy process to get a gun licence has potential criminal because you never know who owns the firearm or if people are carrying openly, it would be also threaten to students. Funny thing is when UT austin was trying to allow the law that open carry, girls, who are going UT, protested with carrying dildo in their handbag. 

I really feel impressed that when he pointed "Our "laws" are not laws if they do so little to protect us and can be bypassed so easily." because it is true. The open carry on campus would nothing to protect students from other students, maybe it can provoke more tension between students. 

Even though he suggested very smart laws, I do not think that is not going to work also carrying gun in campus is not right for students. School is for study not for fighting, maybe sometimes a criminal could be happen in campus, but that is not student's responsibility, its school security guard's, that is why we are paying expensive tuitions and giving them the money. Maybe they could not all covers the criminal or potential threats, but carrying gun would provoke more problems.

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